MTV WORLD STAGE 2015 is back hotter than ever featuring Korean Idol Group - Apink, one of the hottest bands in Japan - Sekai No Owari, the talented and gorgeous - Carly Rae Jepsen and the breathtakingly amazing singer - Jason Derulo. All of these acts came together for MTV WORLD STAGE 2015. Ready to get to know them a little better? Check out these burning questions that were asked!


How do you feel being here in Malaysia for MTV world stage 2015?
APINK : We feel much honored to be here on stage and it’s been awhile since we came back here. We’re happy to be meeting our fans again.

Are they any artist would you like to work with outside your company?
APINK : I would like to collaborate with a hip-hop artist called dynamite duo.

They group has ventured in to acting and hosting, what other talents do you wish to show to your fans?
APINK : We want to perfect our performance on stage first for our fans first.

What is it like to perform to an audience that speaks a different language from you?
APINK : We understand that not all our fans understand Korean but we can overcome this language barrier and have fun.

Bomi performance of drums in a concert in Korea, do APINK have any plans of using instruments in your performance in the future?
APINK : In future, we will perform with different instruments for the fans.

How do you feel performing for world stage for the first time?
APINK : We are much honored to represent Korea and to perform on a stage with other international artists.

How would performing at MTV world stage 2015 would impact APINK positively?
APINK : it will help broaden our experience especially on stage with all the other international artists, so definitely all our performance in the future, we will use this chance to enhance our performance in the future.

Upon arriving in Malaysia, have you tried any Malaysian food?
APINK : We haven’t tried a lot of Malaysian food yet but we had satay. We heard that’s a dish with rice and cucumber. We would really want to try that out.

If you could communicate/share a performance with anybody in the world, who would it be?
APINK : There is so many artist we would like to talk to but since we’re here to say we would like to talk to Carly Rae Jepsen.

Which member is the most good at giving advice and acts much like a sister?
APINK : We rely on each other mainly and we are equal to each other. But if we have to pick someone, it would have to be the leader as she guides us through obstacles.

Malaysia is hot all year long, APINK looks cool, and do you have any advice for Malaysians to look “cool”?
APINK : The best way is to smile because it makes you feel very cool

Do you have any surprises that we can expect from your performance for tonight?
APINK : We will try to be the surprise for the day. We remix our songs but just a little bit but we can feel our fans can appreciate the change.

This is your second time in Malaysia, do you know of any Malaysian celebrities?
APINK : As much as this is our second time here, we are trying to learn more about the Malaysian entertainment scene and we hope the fans can share with us as time goes.

What is pink panda to APINK?
APINK :  It is our dream to stand on stage and perform but definitely the fans come in and encourage our spirit and everything.

Do you think there should be mix groups and consider having a male in your group?
APINK : This time, most probably we will work with more featuring artist in the album oppose to having another member join in our group.

What are your inspirations when you write lyrics?
APINK : We write songs based on our daily life and sometimes trough movies and dramas, filled with emotions we get our inspiration from all this.

What is APINK like on a good day? When there is no schedule?
APINK : We watch movies, exercise and sleep because sometimes we get not enough sleep and rest.

APINK will be 5 years old next year, what do you think is your biggest achievement so far and how do you see APINK in 5 years’ time?
APINK : We can’t really specify our biggest achievement but we hope to be able to stand on stage and perform for the fans in 5 years’ time.


Your song – anti-hero for the attack of the titans, it has relatable lyrics with the movie. What kind of impression did you to give to the listener about this song?
SEKAI NO OWARI :  anti-hero is actually the bad guy’s love song. That is how we came up with it, the bad guy wants to protect and treasure and does not care what others might think, it is all about protecting his love ones and believing in his beliefs.

How is the preparation for world stage is different from other concerts?
SEKAI NO OWARI : so usually in japan, we do concert and sing mostly Japanese song but coming here in Malaysia we prepared most of the songs in English and only 1 song in Japanese. We look forward in performing tonight.

Can you guys describe sekai no owari in 5 words?
SEKAI NO OWARI : fancy, dark and uh. We are childhood friends. (laughs) and shiny, starlight.

How is it different performing in English and Japanese?
SEKAI NO OWARI : when we sing English songs, we tend to make mistakes and we practice much more.

Where do you find inspirations to piece together your outfits?
SEKAI NO OWARI : so today’s costume is inspired by the movie clockwork orange. Usually we get inspirations from manga (comics).

How do it feel to be the first Japanese group participating in MTV world stage in Malaysia?
SEKAI NO OWARI : so we are really honored and nervous to be here as the first Japanese band performing at the MTV world stage in malaise. We do not want to emphasize as the first Japanese too much because we are a bit nervous that some other musicians back in japan might get angry. We keep it quiet.

How do you think being surrounded by fans will energized your performance on stage?
SEKAI NO OWARI : we met some fans but 2 female but we have not meet a Malaysian fan. We really want to meet Malaysian fans here. We are looking forward looking to meet the fans.

What are some of the roughest moments you’ve experiences and how did you overcome it?
SEKAI NO OWARI : when we started, we perform at live house and we transformed a factory into a live house by ourselves. We had to borrow 50 thousand dollar and if we don’t make it we have to pay it back. We had nothing to lose but at the same time we were very nervous. We had no choice but to believe in ourselves.

What is the difference as an indie band and now as j-pop?
SEKAI NO OWARI : nothing has changed except now we have a lot more supporters and fans. Our team have become bigger and we are really happy for that. Our relationship haven’t change and we are still childhood friends and not much has changed.

If you could inject one new element in your music, which element will it be?
SEKAI NO OWARI : Saori would like to write more sexy songs.

Is there any special ritual before getting on stage?

SEKAI NO OWARI : I (Satoshi) always do voice training with Saori on the piano and I always drink ginger and black tea.


How do you feel being here at the MTV World Stage 2015?
Carly : so excited, we reherse yesterday and it’s going to be best night, can’t wait!

Whati s the difference between American fans and Asian fans?
Carly : I think wherever you go, it’s always a little bit different but I feel the energy here is just incredible. Even yesterday I met some people face to face, such kind and generous people. That passion I really admire and appreciate. And I think it will affect the show tonight in a big way, I want to give back.

Is there any other genre you would want to venture into?
Carly : actually it’s funny because being here, I had this sort of writing energy. I was in my hotel room in the morning with my guitar, working on a new song. It kinda have a 70s feel to it.

How do you feel sharing the stage with other international artist?
I think one of the gift of a show like this is not only you get to perform but also get to be entertained by tons of music that I might not be exposed too. 

Carly expressed that it was a gift that call me maybe was successful but also a challenge to know what to write next after that. It took about 200 songs and also 2 and a half year. She shared that she wanted to have 80's inspired songs which is inspired by Cyndi Lauper.  When asked if she was planning to feature more Hollywood acts in her music video. Carly tells the media that she loves Tom Hanks and he is one of her favorite actors in the world and that it was surreal to watch him lip-syncing to her song. However she said shyly that she was not sure she could ever talk to him. She don’t know if it’s the last feature Hollywood acts in her music video.

You started your music career back in 2007 through Canadian idol, how would the 2015 Carly feels about this?
Carly : I think all of us when looking back at our younger self’s will have moments where we smile fondly and cringe. I have both of those moments, it was really exciting to be part of Canadian idol. It was the first time to be in the public eye and it was also a big stepping stone.

Does your music affects your sense of style and how do you think your fashion have evolved?

Carly revealed that she think on a day to day level, her music really have nothing to do with her fashion. What she wears one day does not represent what she’ll wear the next day. When Carly is on stage, that’s when she dress up. 

What makes you excited to see Malaysia?
Carly : I think there's so many things, it's most exciting to me because it's just so new. I've been here before but this is my first time performing this sort of stage. Yesterday I met people here and they said "Thank you for coming" and I'm like "Thank you for having me". I want to be face to face with people who have been supporting my music. 


Jason Derulo expressed that he has been to Malaysia before and it wasn't this hot last time and that he is excited. He also shared that his receiving lots of love here. 

What are your expectations for tonight’s MTV WORLD STAGE 2015?
JASON DERULO : I expect it to be a huge party , I expect it to be very hot. Last night I run through sound check and there was a lot of sweat. I feel that the Malaysians fans are really passionate and crazy much like myself.

You some amazing collaborations in your latest album, what is your relationships with the other artists that you have collaborated with?
JASON DERULO : Each artist is very different, I really like it when things happened organically.

In most of your songs, you have that signature “Jason Derulo” in your songs, how did it started?
JASON DERULO : I was a new artist back then, and I wanted my name to get out there. I was in my booth and I sang my name. I didn’t think it would get this big, it took the world by storm. For some reason, the jingle got stuck in people’s minds and it was not the first time somebody said their name in song and certainly not the last time but I think it was just the actual melody that was stuck in people minds. I don’t it any more but it was nice hearing you (Journalist) sing it.

Do you listen to newcomers and who are you currently listening?
JASON DERULO : I do try to stay what is new poppin’ and fresh so yeah I do listen to new artist. The newest I’ve been checking out is __. He is a newcomer, kinda. I try to keep my ears to the street, that’s how we say it.

Can you describe yourself in 5 words?
JASON DERULO : (laughs) I’m always terrible at those. You know 5 words, I really can’t describe myself in 5 words. “I am the shit man!”

You are known to be one of the most explosive performance on stage. Given your injury a few years back, is that something that plays in the back of your mind and how hard do you go in during rehersal and on stage?
JASON DERULO : It all seem like a bad dream at this point, I been through a crazy recovery of 7 months. At the beginning I wasn’t able to do the simplest things. So it was a rough time but a time that I feel like I needed. This whole session in my life helped me become the man I am today. Who I am today is someone who live everyday like it’s my last day. Even in conferences like this, I’m making sure I’m having a great time, excuse me for all the crazy thing I say. It’s all about living your life to the fullest. I could have been gone in an instant it was a near death experience and I got a second chance. So I decided to use this second chance to make a difference in the world and making sure I was living life to the fullest.  
Jason Derulo explained how different the younger generation who want to make it big have social platforms to promote themselves from years back where entertainment companies would shape the singer. His advice to keep posting videos until one of those videos would catch on and get more followers and fans. He did expressed that as an executive, that is what he look for now. He too mentioned that is unfortunate because there are people that are talented but at the same time there are people who are talented but people don’t connect too. Somebody that someone can gravitate to.

At this present moment, how creatively satisfy are you?
JASON DERULO : I’m hugely creatively satisfy, now I get to do things that I want to do. At the beginning of my career, everything was – Can I do this? Can I do that? It was like stepping on eggshells. It feels like I was searching and find my way. My record label feels the same way because I was their first pop artist and they do a lot of rock music. And I think that was the biggest problem, we were trying to find who “Jason Derulo” instead of me actually being myself. I think a lot of things got lost in the beginning but now I’m able to be myself and do the things I actually dream of. When I had visions of what my music video should be like, I’ll write the treatment myself and I look for a director I can partner with and co-direct with and do it together. I’m not a puppet kind of guy but in the beginning you got to do what you got to do. When I’m writing songs about my own experiences, when I’m making music videos with my vision, I feel like people can really see the difference. You can’t fool people.

If you could either choose sing or dance for the rest of your life, what would it be?
JASON DERULO : I would definitely choose singing hands down, dancing helps release stress but singing is a gateway to the soul. I would not trade that for the world.

You are very popular internationally, how did you stay humble despite the fame?

JASON DERULO : You know what, I keep my family around me. I’m not the kind of person that have a million friends all over the place. That’s my brother right there (points), I keep my family around me. My brother works with me, I have 4 cousins that work with me, my security is one of my good friends. We are like this huge family and nobody feels like they need to be yes man because they will tell me regardless. We have that connection and relationship and tell me who it is. So when people say I changed, no you changed (jokingly). 

Our platform would want to thank MTV ASIA for giving us an opportunity to cover the press conference. 
